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After-prom party: you have the last word!

Breathe tools

It’s YOUR after-prom party! Here are some ideas to make the most of it while respecting your choices, your limits, and those of others.

Your choices are sound!

Drugs or alcohol: should you use them? How to have more fun!

  • You don’t need to use alcohol or drugs to enjoy an evening!
  • If you choose to use:
    • Think about preparing in advance what you plan to use. You can’t be sure of what you are buying from someone you don’t know.

Prevention and consent are sexy!

  • Bring condoms: that’s the best way to prevent STBBIs and unwanted pregnancy.
  • Without a clear and enthusiastic yes, it’s a no. Psst!… it’s okay to change your mind.

A memorable evening?

Before posting or sharing, ask yourself:

  • If it was me, would I be happy to see it?
  • Does everyone agree?
  • Is what is shown legal (e.g. drinking or drug use)?

If you’re not sure the answer is yes, wait until tomorrow! Sharing things online leaves traces…

End the evening in style!

  • Tell your family or a trusted person where you are going.
  • Plan your return: a designated driver, taxi, public transit, trusted adult…
  • The designated driver is not the person who used the least alcohol or drugs. It’s the one who did NOT drink a drop or take any drugs.

Need help?

  • Tel-jeunes: 1-800 263-2266
  • Kids Help Phone: 1 800 668-6868
  • Drugs: Help and Referral: 1-800 265-2626
  • Info-Social : 811, option 2

Adapted from bestbro.ca

In collaboration with the CISSS des Laurentides and educational and community partners

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