Tangage Challenge – The Journal

Who are we?Tangage is a community group whose mission is the prevention of addictions through the promotion of healthy lifestyles. How do we work?We provide in-class workshops, booths, and conferences aimed at parents, as well as more fun activities to discuss with and inform young people about the various issues surrounding addictions, whether it be […]
Tangage Challenge – Tool 1: Vaping… Weighing the pros and cons

Do you sometimes say these things to yourself? I feel like I can no longer control my vaping habit. It feels like I spend lots of money buying vaping products. I constantly think about vaping. I think I sometimes vape even if I don’t really want to. I have the feeling that I will never […]
Tangage Challenge – Tool 2: Vaping and habits… Challenges to inspire you

Would like to change your vaping habits, but don’t know where to begin? Here are some challenges to inspire you. If you want to reflect on your vaping habit Today, I will take note of every time I vape. Today, I will make a list of the reasons I vape. Today, I will make an […]
Tangage Challenge – Tool 3 : Vaping and boredom… Ways to fight them

You try to change your vaping habits and you realize that time management is a challenge for you. Here are a few tips that have helped young people like you reach their goals. Do you find that time drags during breaks or lunch periods at school? Here are a few ideas to fill your time: […]
Tangage Challenge – Tool 4: Vaping and stress… When illusion lulls us

Ah! the famous stress, this factor that is so important to our survival but that sometimes causes us challenges and headaches. It is normal when we feel stress to try to find a solution to feel better. Many ways exist to get there. In some cases, vaping can be seen as a way to manage […]
Tangage Challenge – Tool 5: Strategies to reduce my sense of isolation when I want to quit vaping

That’s it! You’re going for it! Bravo to you for wanting to change your vaping habits. I hope you have the Journal in hand to accompany you on this adventure. If not, here’s the link to it. Maybe you are now concerned about going solo on this adventure. Don’t worry. Here are a few routes […]
Tangage Challenge – Tool 6: Vaping and changing habits… How to remain motivated.

In the whole habit-changing process, it’s normal for your motivation to fluctuate, especially since you will have some days that are more difficult. First, if you don’t reach 100% of your objectives some days it doesn’t mean that everything is ruined. It’s normal for you to experience “relapses”; they are part of a habit-changing process. […]