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Ways to optimize use of the tool: After-prom party: you have the last word!

For professional The prom and the after-prom party are unique moments to celebrate the end of high school and all the efforts made. While some teens may be in the mood to party, others may feel pressure to use alcohol or drugs, or to have sex. The “After-prom party: You Have the Last Word” tool […]

After-prom party: you have the last word!

It’s YOUR after-prom party! Here are some ideas to make the most of it while respecting your choices, your limits, and those of others. Your choices are sound! Drugs or alcohol: should you use them? How to have more fun! You don’t need to use alcohol or drugs to enjoy an evening! If you choose […]

Screen-users’ Rights

Whether talking about using the internet, smartphones, video platforms, social media, online gaming, TVs, computers, tablets or other devices, users have rights! The right to take a break from your devices, even at night The right to watch content that feels good The right to set yourself daily time limits The right to question what […]

Paper fortune teller – On screen usage

Folding instructions Cut out the fortune teller and place it face down. Fold it in half horizontally then vertically. Fold the 4 corners into the centre of the square. This is what you get! Turn it over! Fold the 4 corners into the centre again. This is what you get! Turn it over again. Fold […]

Paper fortune teller – Anxiety

Folding instructions Cut out the fortune teller and place it face down. Fold it in half horizontally then vertically. Fold the 4 corners into the centre of the square. This is what you get! Turn it over! Fold the 4 corners into the centre again. This is what you get! Turn it over again. Fold […]

Does vaping really pollute ?

The production of vaping cartridges, cigarettes and vaping waste has environmental consequences. You can reduce the environmental impact by : Your choice of products Discarding finished products in the proper places Reducing your vaping habit or by not vaping What are the annual impacts of the production of cartridges with nicotine and cigarettes around the […]


Information for Parents • More and more young people are trying vaping, about 1 in 5 according to the most recent data. • Contrary to what the industry would have you believe, a vaporizer releases many chemicals that pose health risks. • As a parent, you can positively influence your teenager so that they make […]

The Key Ring

Instructions: Cut out all the cards, laminate them and put them in the suggested order. Using a punch, make a small hole in the upper left corner of each card. Use a key ring to collect all the cards. Of course, you can customize them based on the challenges you want to deal with (depending […]